
Here is a very territorial One-Eyed-Bot. He’s intent on zapping a Wee-Bot that has strayed into his personal space. Luckily for the little guy he’s pursuing, he moves very slowly with those cumbersome tri-pod legs, and his tiny T-Rex hands are practically useless. All the Wee-Bots know to steer clear of it’s extended whipping tail with it’s electrically charged tip. Sadly, One-Eyed-Bot-taunting has become a popular sport among Wee-Bots, and a singed butt simply a badge of honor. Hmmm…so who’s the bully?

I love making junk-bots. Call me crazy, but old junk inspires me. I tried joining in on Alpha Bots! and was keeping up with making a robot for each letter of the alphabet. Then I had made a “kaboom bot” with an explosion coming out of it’s head for the letter K and was ready to post it when the bombings happened in Boston. My timing stunk. Luckily I didn’t post it but I lost my momentum and stopped making them. Junk-bots A-I can be seen on my earlier posts.

It’s been ages since I participated on IF. When I saw this week’s topic, I had to join in on the fun. I love ALL of your illustrated robots!!